Once More Into the Void

Well it’s been a long week, both at work and in-game. Well I say it’s been busy in-game, but not necessarily for me. Hi-sec space became dull quickly and my personal time in Eve has dwindled to a trickle (as evident by the lack of posting here). Mission running was a nice vacation from the stresses of w-space for a while, but after a few days the monotony of killing mindless rats becomes unbearable. A few positives of mission running though, my wallet has grown ever so slightly and so has my security status.

Although it sounds like my security status is going to start dropping again pretty soon. Word around the corp is we have a new home. The alliance which helped us escape from our evicted system, has continued to stay in touch with Oz. His beguiling words has forged an alliance between us, and word came through the comm channels that we were moving back to wormhole space. The news is welcomed, and I finally log in with some urgency for the first time in weeks.

I move my way through hi-sec to our connection. Living in a C4 is a little more intense than a C3. Just getting into our new HQ system now requires us to find a k-space connection through our static C3. It is fun though. A small promise of action is something I’m excited about. I arrive in the HQ system to find Oz and Snow setting up the new tower. Luckily they have an empty hangar array with no one’s name on it. Vult’s Vault is born! Finally I can keep Oz from stealing all of my…

Where did that Pilgrim go? Well I guess some things never change. That’s fine, I have more important things to worry about. Namely getting my PI setup and getting some combat ships into the HQ system. It sounds like our new alliance mates have a trigger finger as itchy as mine. I spend most of the day getting things in order. Luckily the C3 static has a C2 connection which has a hi-sec static. A new one has just opened up, and I resolve it to be only two jumps away from Amarr.

I couldn’t ask for a better setup and immediately begin shuttling combat ships from Amarr to our HQ. All the connecting systems are quiet but that doesn’t stop me from spamming my scan button. After a few hours the makings of my pvp fleet are in the hangar and I’m excited at the potential of our new situation.

The Pilgrim burst from the warp bubble less than a kilometer from the wormhole. Vultirnus hesitated a moment admiring the gateway to his new life and new possibilities. With hardly a thought, he willed the ship towards the celestial anomaly. Once more into the void…

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